Welcome to Mission Critical Linux homepage!
Date / Time
Association Membership
Mission Critical Linux is one of the founders of the "Linux Industrial Association" (LIPSZ)

and a member of the "Linux-felhasználók Magyarországi Egyesülete" (LME)
Category: Pictures [Pictures from MCLX happenings] (10)
IBM Conference - 2003.05.22. IBM Conference - 2003.05.22. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20030522_ibmkonf/ Referrals: 5360
IBM Conference - 2003.05.22.
LME Conference - 2002.11.09. LME Conference - 2002.11.09. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20021109_lmekonf/ Referrals: 5244
LME Conference - 2002.11.09.
Infotrend 2002 - 2002.10.28. Infotrend 2002 - 2002.10.28. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20021028_infotrend/ Referrals: 5048
Infotrend 2002 - 202.10.28.
Magic Conference - 2001.06.19. Magic Conference - 2001.06.19. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010619_magic/ Referrals: 5079
Magic Conference - 2001.06.19.
Linux EXPO Italy - 2001.06.06. Linux EXPO Italy - 2001.06.06. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010606_italy/ Referrals: 4951
Linux EXPO Italy - 2001.06.06.
CRM Conference - 2001.05.09. CRM Conference - 2001.05.09. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010509_crm/ Referrals: 5116
CRM Conference - 2001.05.09.
Info 2001 - 2001.05.08-10. Info 2001 - 2001.05.08-10. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010510_info2001/ Referrals: 4995
Info 2001
CHS Dealers' Day - 2001.04.11 CHS Dealers' Day - 2001.04.11 http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010411_chs/ Referrals: 4918
CHS Dealers' Day - 2001.04.11
HOUG - 2001.04.04 HOUG - 2001.04.04 http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010404_houg/ Referrals: 5064
HOUG - 2001.04.04
Oracle Presentation - 2001.02.15. Oracle Presentation - 2001.02.15. http://www.mclx.hu/images/20010215_oracle/ Referrals: 4968
Oracle Presentation - 2001.02.15.

What kind of firewall solution do you use?

Packet Filter

Stateful Packet Filter

Application Level Firewall

I don't use a firewall

I don't know...

Votes: 237
Old Surveys
Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
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